Generating Local Development SSL Certificates on Mac
This process creates SSL certificates and "trusts" them to go to a fake domain in your browser with the same name as the folder containing the certificates. Typically you generate them in the root of your project directory. So...

Sesh! – Express Sessions, Cookies, and JSON Web Tokens
It is a truth universally acknowledged that some kind of stateful sessions are indispensable to any website with users. I'm familiar with the Node/Express ecosystem, so I'll write specifics about that. The theory and debates underlying session architecture should...

Functional Node.js: Working with Promises
I've used promises on every Node project I've worked on over the past year. I've made a lot of mistakes and done a fair bit of reading on the subject. The following is a guide to writing clear, concise functional code with the Bluebird promise library. Additionally,...

Serverless: A replacement for servers?
A couple weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending ServerlessConf Austin 2017, sponsored by A Cloud Guru, an Australian e-learning company that specializes in AWS training. Being a self-employed/contract developer, I managed this...

ORMs for Beginners: Models and Migrations with Sequelize in Node
Updates 4/23/2019: there are a few issues I've run into in Sequelize 4. Mainly, createdAt & updatedAt are broken. I've also encounted issues with table name capitalization while running migrations on Mac vs Ubuntu. I do have fixes for these, so if needed, drop...